Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dad's invincible!

So my dad had an angiogram recently. Thats where they shove a tube and camera inside you thigh, and follow that up to your heart.

While in his heart they found one of the feeder veins had 80% blockage (imagine a bar straw having only a hair follicle of gap left in it). So they did an angioplasty, put in 2 stints, and cleaned him up.

He recovered really quickly. He's gonna be great now. Turns out though that had he not done this, he would have croaked within a year. That vein is called the "widow maker" because if it causes a heart attack, you dont live through it.

So im blessed and thankful for havening my dad still with us. Wooo!! (Mmmm...havening....)

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